From the issue of July 12, 2007.
ABIS ‘magnificent,’ thanks to Brunn
To the editor:
I had the pleasure of working in Alexander Batcho Intermediate School from 1998 to 2005, seven of the happiest years of my 28-year teaching career, in the Manville School District.
During those seven years, Dr. James Brunn provided leadership and kindness that resulted in a magnificent school, filled with pride and a strong educational foundation.
Staff, students and parents alike knew their "mission" and worked diligently to accomplish it. Students were reintroduced to a true middle school environment, where elementary school ideas were transformed into more mature thinking, thereby preparing the students for their next educational step.
The PTA always provided a strong support for the school, but did so through working hand-in-hand with the administration and staff. The beautiful events that resulted, such as the eighth-grade dinner-dance, were loved and attended by many.
I honestly cannot believe that people are targeting ABIS, its administration and staff.
As a retired Manville teacher, former Manville High School student and a "Manvillian" to the end, I take offense at the comments that have been made by people who do not know ABIS’s history and who constantly trash one of the finest administrators that Manville has ever had, namely Dr. James Brunn.
He is of impeccable moral character, and has done more for the Manville School District than anyone can possibly imagine.
Kathleen Lane
Millsboro, Del.