Township ready to seek bids for quiet zones

By Audrey Levine Staff Writer
   After receiving approval from the New Jersey Department of Transportation, the Township Committee approved a resolution Nov. 27 to seek bids for the construction of safety improvements to establish quiet zones at the rail crossings on Beekman Lane, Auten Road, Roycefield Road and Valley Road.
   Committeeman Paul Drake abstained on the resolution.
   First discussed in August, the plans for the quiet zones include constructing a wayside horn at the Valley Road crossing — which sounds at the rail crossing and does not have a high decibel of noise — and 100-foot medians on either sides of the rail crossings at the other four locations.
   Beazer Homes has already volunteered to contribute $250,000 to the construction of the safety improvements, and the township has budgeted $100,000 in its capital budget for the construction.
   The project is being designed to reduce the noise of the trains as they approach the rail crossings, while ensuring for the safety of residents while reducing the level of noise.
   Rules for railroad quiet zones were established by the Federal Railroad Administration in 2005, outlining the requirements for municipalities to follow.