Musical Advent fitting introduction

John Inman of New Hope
   Sunday, Dec. 2, Saint Andrew’s Episcopal Church in Lambertville provided the setting for a fitting introduction to the holiday season with a musical Advent evening.
   Advent lessons were intertwined with music from the medieval period to the 20th century, including Michael Praetorius, Edgar Baintin and the noted presently active English choral composer Andrew Carter.
   Under the able leadership of Choirmaster Michael Kevane, the choir, along with astounding and versatile soprano Cheryl Miller as the occasional soloist, performed most admirably.
   How to account for the choir’s remarkable advancement over the last year or so? To quote alto Margaret Scribner, “utilizing wit and outstanding erudition, Michael is able to elicit our best effort and musical qualities we didn’t know we had. As he explains the compositional background of the various selections we are treated to delightful and enlightening mini seminars of music history.”
   Upcoming choir performances include the Christmas Eve service at 10:30 p.m., which will include a performance of Schubert’s “Ave Maria” by outstanding concert violinist Alexandre Djokic, accompanied by Michael Kevane on the church’s fine rare Hook and Hastings pipe organ, which is not only a local but is also a national treasure.
   A choral evensong held Jan. 6, Epiphany Sunday, also promises musical rewards. Kevane will literally “pull all the stops” performing his famous improvisation on “We Three Kings of Orient Are” as everyone in attendance sings along.
   The choir is presently welcoming new members. Interested parties may contact Michael Kevane at 397-2425.
John W. Inman
New Hope