Plainsboro bars underage drinking on private property

By Greg Forester, Staff Writer
   PLAINSBORO — The Plainsboro Township Committee voted to enact enhanced underage drinking rules Wednesday night, passing an ordinance that expressly forbids underage drinking on private property.
   Supported by Plainsboro Police Chief Elizabeth Bondurant, the measure closed a loophole that allowed underage drinking to occur on private property.
   Township officials said this created a dangerous situation where law enforcement authorities were forced to go after underage drinking only after someone entered public property, which often meant getting behind the wheel and taking to the streets of the township.
   ”This is an ordinance that has been done in the surrounding communities, and it appears to have benefits in controlling underage drinking and parties,” said Mayor Peter Cantu.
   With the passage of the ordinance, Plainsboro police officers will have greater latitude in investigating house parties and other situations where underage drinking is prevalent, according to Township Attorney Michael Herbert.
   ”Basically, the theory is rather than give a kid a summons, get to him before he gets in a car and is driving drunk,” said Mr. Hebert. “It has worked very well.”
   A similar ordinance also authored by Mr. Herbert is in effect in West Windsor Township. Ewing Township and Hamilton Township also have laws prohibiting underage drinking on private property, Mr. Herbert said.
   Another aspect of the law seen as positive by township officials is that under the old system, an underage drinker faced a stiffer penalty and a possible criminal record for violations.
   Under the new law, an underage drinker found in violation would not necessarily face a permanent record, due to the crime being a lesser ordinance violation.
   Violators face a $240 fine for the first offence, and $350 fines for each subsequent offence, according to the ordinance.