By Audrey Levine Staff Writer
Resignations accepted
The Township Committee unanimously approved a resolution to accept several staff resignations and appointments throughout the different departments.
John DeDomenico, currently serving as technical assistant in the Construction Department, will be transferred to the position of clerk to the tax collector in the Finance Office as of July 1. He will receive an annual salary of $35,984.78.
The Township Committee also accepted the resignation of Officer Lindsay Krahn, effective as of June 15.
To replace Officer Krahn, and fill the current open positions of technical assistant in the Building Department and Public Works worker because of the retirement of David Mroz as of June 30, the Township Committee authorized postings for the positions.
Historic home to get inspection
To prepare for construction in the Vanderveer-Harris House, on Route 206, the Township Committee unanimously approved a resolution to authorize Accredited Environmental Technologies to perform a hazardous materials inspection and work plan preparation for the house.
The contract is for an amount not to exceed $3,700.
The inspection will be paid for through a grant from the Somerset County Historic Preservation Grant.
”This inspection is necessary to move forward before the construction can begin,” Mayor Anthony Ferrera said at the May 27 Township Committee meeting.
Estimated tax bills approved for mailing
The Township Committee unanimously approved a resolution authorizing the township’s acting director of finance to send estimated tax bills for the third quarter taxes to residents.
According to the resolution, the township’s 2008 tax bills cannot be mailed on a timely basis because of issues with the state’s budget, but the total tax levy for 2008 including municipal, school and county taxes has been estimated at $112,450,779.24.
The tax bills that will be mailed out will include notice of when interest may begin to accrue.
New Jersey statute states that if third round tax bills cannot be mailed by June 14, estimated and reconciled bills must be sent by June 30 and Sept. 30, respectively.
According to the resolution, the third installment will not be subject to interest until the later of Aug. 10, or the 25th calendar day after the bills are mailed.