Please support HiTops

Paul Knodel of Princeton
    This month, many are anxiously checking their mailboxes in hopes that their economic stimulus check has arrived. Though you’ll get constant pressure to either spend or save, there’s another option which is just as important, and will make a direct and significant contribution to our community: make a donation to HiTOPS.
   HiTOPS is a teen health and education center which has been serving adolescents throughout Mercer County and New Jersey for over twenty years. In addition to its strong educational programs for parents, educators and teens, HiTOPS offers the only clinic in New Jersey focused exclusively on adolescents and their needs. A donation to HiTOPS from your stimulus check will ensure that their adolescent clients receive the best treatment and education possible in order to live happy, healthy lives. You can also place your contribution in their endowment fund to make a long lasting gift to support HiTOPS in years to come.
   For more information about HiTOPS, or to make a donation, please visit or call 609-683-5155 x216. As a HiTOPS volunteer, I’m extremely grateful and proud of the work they have done for our community. I hope you join me in donating some of my additional income to this great cause.
Paul Knodel
Acadia Court
Princeton 