School’s out, except for district’s teachers

By Eileen Oldfield Staff Writer
   It’s back to the classroom a month early for Manville teachers, when summer classes aimed at furthering teaching skills begin this August.
   According to curriculum office personnel, teachers can still enroll for the optional summer courses, and a final number on enrollment is unavailable.
   ”We generally have pretty good attendance,” District Superintendent Donald Burkhardt said. “We’ve always had a good turn out.”
   The classes run for approximately two weeks, though the sessions do no meet on Fridays, and some sessions do not run on consecutive days. Certain courses may meet two days a week during the session, while other may meet a single day during the week.
   This year’s courses focus on language arts and literature improvements and beginner and advanced training in the Promethean Activboard interactive whiteboards used in many Manville classrooms, and other technology training.
   The language arts curriculum training focuses on new state curriculum standards, and includes instruction on differentiated learning.
   ”Differentiated learning is when you adjust the instruction to meet the needs of each individual student’s learning level,” Dr. Burkhardt said. “You don’t just teach to one level.”
   ”There’s a variety of different methods (used in differentiated learning),” he added. “There’s no one magic pill.”
   The summer courses are open to all Manville teachers, regardless of time spent teaching in the district. According to Dr. Burkhardt, the classes appeal to both new teachers and veteran teachers.
   ”Our teachers found them very helpful,” Dr. Burkhardt said. “We encourage everyone to take the courses. We think they’re very worthwhile.”