We need McCain and a GOP Congress

T.B. Fisher of Princeton
   This country has a serious problem with the economy and the root cause of our troubles is the fast rising cost of energy which affects every aspect of life, from the fuel we use, to the products we buy, to the food we need, to the availability of jobs. How did we become so vulnerable?
   For 30 years, Congress has fought every effort to make the United States self-sufficient. We have been prevented from building nuclear power plants, use of our tremendous supply of coal has been actively discouraged, drilling for oil and gas in our most promising areas has been off limits, and the stupidity of using a food crop to make a highly inefficient substitute for gasoline. Long years of pandering to the “stop the world” environmentalists has left us at the mercy of a growing world-wide energy shortage resulting from the tremendous new demand from China and India as well as a number of other developing countries.
   The Democrats are offering higher taxes, especially on the oil producers, continuing resistance to solving our problem with domestic sources, even more interference in the way we choose to live our lives, socialized medicine which inserts a bureaucrat between us and our doctors to say what treatment we are allowed to have, plus a massive dose of belt tightening as energy supplies dwindle, jobs disappear, and our standard of living declines. Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid are preventing votes on sensible solutions. They seem to agree that we must not continue to depend on foreign oil from unfriendly countries, but they offer no viable answers beyond tire inflation and blanketing the country with windmills.
   Republicans offer the election of people to the House and Senate who will support real solutions. Americans are known for fixing problems, not just living with them and allowing big government to aggravate them. Low taxes encourage growth, innovation and job creation. Use of new technology should be encouraged, not suppressed. Excessive regulation should be eliminated along with the drones hired to administer it. The courts must be returned to their proper function, administering the laws as passed by Congress, not making new ones. An energy program aimed at increasing domestic supply as fast as possible while continuing to encourage new sources is vital to righting our economy.
   Pandering to the left wing of the Democratic Party must stop. It is very dangerous to do so because they desire a socialist state rather than a free country. We must hang onto our individual protections from government interference in our lives. These protections are found in the Bill of Rights and are the most important of all. No other country in the world has such guarantees of individual freedom.
   The choice is pretty clear. Let’s elect Sen. McCain and a Republican Congress.
T. B. Fisher