Thursday, Feb. 12
   MOMS get-together — The MOMS Club of Millstone Township will be holding its next monthly meeting at 10 a.m. Mothers from Millstone and Roosevelt are welcome to come meet the club’s members and learn about this international, nonprofit organization. It offers local, stay-at-home and part-time working moms support and the opportunity to share activities and experiences with other local moms and their children.
   The group will be discussing low or no-cost monthly calendar activities for all age groups, ranging from newborns and up. They include local day trips, educational sessions, playgroups, local events and seasonal outings, holiday parties, book club, walking club, community service projects, monthly MOMS Nights Out and monthly meetings. Children are always welcome.
   For more information, contact Nicole Pyhel at 609-439-9324 or at [email protected], or
Friday, Feb. 13
   Flirting with flounder — The New Egypt Elks will hold a Valentine’s Fish Fry from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the lodge, 105 Lakewood Road. For more information, call 609-304-8469.
Saturday, Feb. 14
   Valentine’s dinner-dance — The Horsemen’s Association of Millstone Township is sponsoring a Valentine’s Day benefit dinner-dance from 7:30 p.m. to 11:30 p.m. at the Clarksburg Inn, 463 Stagecoach Road, in the Clarksburg section of Millstone Township. All profits will be donated to Helping Hearts Equine Rescue, a nonprofit agency in Millstone Township.
   The cost of the dinner is $30 per person, which includes a full-course buffet style dinner and dessert. There also will be a disc jockey, prizes, silent auction and a bake and candy sale.
   For more information, contact Valerie at 732-360-1223 or at [email protected], or send your ticket request and check payable to HAMT, 7 Peters Court, Millstone Township, NJ 08535.
Tuesday, Feb. 17
   Fruit of her labors — The BUNWC Tri-County Chapter of the Brandeis National Committee will feature food historian Judith Krall-Russo, who will speak on “The New Jersey Cranberry” at 2 p.m. at the Robbinsville Branch of the Mercer County Library System, 42 Robbinsville-Allentown Road. Ms. Krall-Russo will explain one of the few fruits indigenous to the United States and an important crop for New Jersey since the 19th century. Early American recipes also will be presented.
   The public is invited to this admission-free event, which is being offered through the Horizons Speakers Bureau of the New Jersey Council for the Humanities, a state partner of the National Endowment for the Humanities. For more information, call 609-298-4515.
Tuesday, Feb. 17
   Horsemen’s meeting — The Horsemen’s Association of Millstone Township will hold its monthly meeting at 7 p.m. in the Millstone Township Community Center, 463 Stagecoach Road, in the Clarksburg section. HAMT is open to both horse and non-horse owners who share the same common interest, which is the love of the horse. Our membership includes juniors (under 18), singles, couples and families. For more information, call Betty at 609-259-5577 or visit the Web site at
Thursday, Feb. 19;
Saturday, Feb. 21
   Play by Pond — The Pond Road Middle School presents the play “Eloise” at the Robbinsville High School Performing Arts Center at 7 p.m. on the 19th and at 3 p.m. and 7 p.m. on the 21st. Tickets are $6 for students and seniors, and $8 for adults. For more information, call 609-632-0940.
Thursday, Feb. 26
   Composting congregation — Fran Metzger, recycling coordinator of Monmouth County, will be the featured speaker at the meeting of the Allentown Garden Club. She will explore how to reduce waste and improve soil conditions by backyard composting. The meeting will begin at 7 p.m. at the Allentown United Methodist Church on Church St. (next to LaPiazza).
   All who are interested are invited to attend. For more information, go to the club’s Web site or call president Lisa Strovinskly at 609-259-1886.
Friday, Feb. 27
   Tricky trivia — The Robbinsville High School Class of 2010 Post Prom Committee will be hosting a Trivia Nite/Tricky Tray Auction at 7 p.m. at RHS Commons. Trivia teams will consist of eight players per team. Form your own team or be matched up if you have less than eight. Also, you can win some prizes at the auction. Tickets are $10 per person and include five tricky tray tickets. Tickets sold in advance only. Please e-mail [email protected] for more information on how to sign up.
Thursday, March 5
   Nashville in Robbinsville — Local songwriter Kim Yarson will be appearing at the Robbinsville branch of the Mercer County Library System from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Ms. Yarson, along with special guests Joe Iantosca and Jessy Tomsko, will be performing original songs in a Nashville style, including country, pop, rock, and the blues. To register or for further information, call the library at 609-259-2150.
Thursday, March 5
   Energetic session — “How to Grow Your Business by Using the Energy (Chi)” is the name of the program as feng shui designer Ruxandra Barb is the guest speaker at the breakfast meeting of the Robbinsville chapter of the Mercer Regional Chamber of Commerce. The event begins at 8 a.m. at Roma Bank headquarters in the Washington Town Center at 2300 Route 33. Participants will be given a “westernized” Bagua and taught how to identify the five energy areas directly relating to business success, how to re-arrange furnishings in order to correct any problems that exist and how to use their existing pictures, diplomas, awards and trophies, plants, etc. and color to enhance the helpful energy. Participants are also encouraged to bring pictures and/or floor plans of their office (or home-office) for the question-and answer section. For more information, contact Dru Gropp Damico at 609-394-7557, extension 113 or [email protected].
Tuesday, March 10
   Picky eaters — Learn to manage your child’s food issues while providing a well-balanced diet by attending “Picky Eaters & Problem Feeders,” presented by Alexis Ciani of Princeton HealthCare System at the Robbinsville branch of the Mercer County Library System at 7:00 p.m. This informational discussion is designed to help parents with children ages 3 to 15, including children with mild to moderate neurological impairments, Autism spectrum disorders, behavioral problems, and children with sensory, oral, and/or motor skills problems. Pre-registration is required for all library programs. To register or for further information, call the library at 609-259-2150.
Thursday, March 12
   Growing up a girl — A relaxed look at growing up for girls ages 9 to 12 will be the program at 7 p.m. at the Robbinsville branch of the Mercer County Library System. To register, call the library at 259-2150. The program is sponsored by Princeton HealthCare System Community Education and Outreach.
Sunday, March 15
   Sunshine, Shadow — Dr. Vera Herman Goodkin, author of the memoir “In Sunshine and In Shadow: We Remember Them,” will make a presentation at 10:30 a.m. at the Perrineville Jewish Center, 855 Perrineville Road, Millstone. Ms. Goodkin was born in Czechoslovakia and lived an idyllic childhood until the Nazi occupation in 1939. After her family’s imprisonment because of their heritage, she and her parents were eventually saved and reunited by Swedish diplomat Raoul Wallenberg, and later immigrated to America. Non-Temple members are welcome to the brunch and presentation, with a cost of $10. To RSVP, call 908-415-8480 or e- mail [email protected].
Continuing events
   Discussing books – The Plumsted branch of the Ocean County Library has a book discussion group that meets on the first Wednesday of the month at 6:30 p.m. Registration can be done in person, by phone at 609-758-7888 or online at
   C.A.M.P. program: The mid-week Children’s Arts and Music Program will begin Wednesday, Jan. 21 at the Allentown Methodist Church, located at 23 Church St./Route 526. This ecumenical program is for children aged 6 through sixth grade. It is held Wednesday evenings, provides a home-cooked meal and a rotation of activities to help children experience spiritual formation and character development through the arts. The winter session will run for ten weeks. Families are welcome to participate, regardless of religious affiliation. For additional information, visit or contact Pat Weitz at 609-587-7076 or [email protected].
   Tax help in Robbinsville: Every Wednesday, from Feb. 4 through April 15, volunteers from AARP will be available at the Robbinsville Branch, Mercer County Library to help anyone fill out basic income tax forms. Appointments are every hour on the half-hour starting at 9:30 a.m., with the last appointment at 12:30 p.m. The only requirement is that you bring last year’s completed form and this year’s income tax booklet. Registration is a must. You may call or stop at the library to arrange for an appointment. The library’s phone number is 609-259-2150.
   ESL group in Allentown: English As A Second Language classes for adults meet every Thursday from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at Upper Freehold Regional Middle School, 27 High St., room 203. A multi-media approach is used to teach English with a concentration on the English necessary for parents with children in school. No class if school is closed for the day.
   Millstone Women’s Club: The Millstone Township Women’s Organization meets every fourth Wednesday of the month at 7:30 p.m. September through May at the Clarksburg Community Center, Stage Coach Road. All Millstone Township women are welcome and encouraged to join.
   For more information, visit the club’s new Web site, or e-mail at [email protected].