S. Davies, R. Denard, B. Fleming, R.Fleming, L. Lerner, D. Levine, R. Levine, S. Stember, J. Higgins of Princeton
Many Princeton-area residents are members of the Final Exit Network, which is a volunteer right-to-die organization dedicated to serving people who are suffering from an intolerable condition of misery and who wish to end their lives.
Our members were appalled to learn from the national news media that agents of the Georgia Bureau of Investigation arrested volunteers from the Final Exit Network, charging them with assisting a suicide. In what we consider to be an entrapment scheme, a police agent posed as a cancer victim wanting to end his life with the help of Final Exit Network volunteers. This agent made claims that resulted in arrests of several leaders in the Final Exit Network. The bank account of Final Exit Network national organization was frozen, and those who were arrested (now out on bail) are legally unable to continue their activities with the organization.
We do not believe the claims of the police agent. Our intimate knowledge of the Final Exit Network leads us to believe that the Georgia authorities were demonstrating their opposition to the right-to-die movement by fabricating a case based on deception.
One of those arrested was a physician who is the national organization’s medical advisor. He was scheduled to speak at the annual meeting of our New Jersey Final Exit Network this spring. We had to cancel the meeting because he is not available.
It is important that we be alert to any slippery slope that deprives us of our inalienable rights.
Sara Davies
Roz Denard
Betty and Robert Fleming
Lea Lerner
Diane and Robert Levine
Sue Stember
Judith Higgins