By EJ White-Peters
Vittoria Flick and RJ Peters of the Morven Society have been elected as voting delegates to the National Convention of the Children of the American Revolution, to be held at the Crystal Gateway Marriott in Arlington, Virginia, April 16-19, 2009. The National President, Kevin Spence Baker, of the State of Georgia will preside at the convention. The Senior National President is Mrs. Rodney H. C. Schmidt of Virginia.
During the convention, National Officers for the 2009-2010 C.A.R. year will be elected, reports of State Presidents and National Chairmen will be given, Local Society awards will be made, and the Nation’s Outstanding C.A.R. Society for this year will be announced. Convention activities will also include the unveiling of the Veteran’s Tribute at the N.S.C.A.R. Museum, “The Rockin’ Revolutionaries DC Tour”, a candidates’ campaign party, the Awards Banquet and dance, and a party honoring the outgoing National President.
Newly elected National Officers, Senior National Officers as well as State and Senior State Presidents, will be installed at ceremonies at Mount Vernon following a Wreath Laying Ceremony at the Tomb of George and Martha Washington.
The Annual Pilgrimage will include a Wreath Laying Ceremony at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Arlington National Cemetery and the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier of the American Revolution at the Old Presbyterian Meeting House in Alexandria, Virginia.
The Children of the American Revolution is the oldest patriotic youth organization in the United States. Membership is open to anyone who is under the age of 21 and who is a lineal descendant of a person who rendered aid to the cause of American independence. For further information, contact C.A.R. National Headquarters, 1776 D Street, NW – Room 224, Washington, DC 20006-5303, e-mail [email protected], or visit the Web site at