Rosenberg won’t let residents down

Linda Mackiw, Strawberry Lane
   Once again, it is time for the voters of Hillsborough to think about the future of our kids as we vote on April 21st to fill three seats on the Board of Education.
   I have lived in Hillsborough for 25 years, and have four children (two graduates and two currently enrolled) who have thrived in the great schools that draw many families to our town. We have been fortunate over the years to have very dedicated individuals who have given their time and talent to the community by serving on our Board of Education.
   This year, a board member who I think has been one of the most exceptional, is asking for the opportunity to work for our kids’ future for three more years.
   Dr. Marc Rosenberg has a great deal of experience in the educational community (as a professor of teacher education, corporate educator, curriculum developer), and in the Hillsborough community. He’s lived here for 27 years, and has gotten to know the town through his service to it. He has volunteered with a diverse array of people; helping to construct the municipal playground, working on school Science Fairs, working with the Boy Scouts, and even lugging equipment for the Hillsborough Marching Band.
   Throughout these activities, Marc used one of his most impressive assets – the ability to listen – to get a sense of what was important to many different segments of the community.
   Three years ago we, Hillsborough’s voters looked at his professional background, his commitment to the community, his knowledge of the issues, and his skill as a communicator and gave him the opportunity to serve on the board.
   In return, he was an integral part of a board that gave us excellence in academics in the face of serious fiscal challenges. Marc has helped improve school-community communications with the new Web site, and participated in bringing in a new leadership team (superintendent and business administrator) that has injected new enthusiasm into the district.
   With all of the critical decisions that our district will be making, I urge you to return Marc Rosenberg to the Board of Education. He has proven that he will work hard for us, and represent our children well.
   Please take the time to get to know more about him and about his plans to keep the focus on the needs of our children. You can do this by visiting his Web site at He won’t let us down.