Fresh Air Fund

Jenny Morgenthau, executive director, Fresh Fair Fund
    National Volunteer Week marks a special time of year for The Fresh Air Fund and I would like to take this opportunity to extend my deepest thanks to our dedicated Fresh Air hosts, volunteers and supporters in Mercer County. They truly embody the meaning of the 2009 National Volunteer Week theme, “Celebrating People in Action” by demonstrating their commitment to helping New York City children.
   Fresh Air volunteers work in several capacities throughout the year in 13 northeastern states and Canada. Caring Fresh Air host families open their homes and share the everyday joys of summertime with their Fresh Air guests. Our local volunteer leaders – many of whom are also hosts – give by serving on our local committees, planning summer activities, publicizing the program and interviewing prospective host families. Additionally, individuals and businesses give generously of their time and resources to make the Friendly Town host family program throughout this area a great success each and every summer.
   The Fresh Air Fund, an independent, not-for-profit agency, has provided free summer vacations to more than 1.7 million New York City children since 1877. For more information on how you can help to continue this wonderful tradition of volunteering, please call The Fresh Air Fund at 800-367-0003 or visit: