
The Somerset Valley YMCA Is Turning the “Lights On” for Afterschool Programs

By Donna Dass
The 10th annual Lights On Afterschool, the nation’s celebration of afterschool programs sponsored by the Afterschool Alliance, was held at YMCAs across the country on Thursday, October 22nd. 
This was a was a great opportunity for the Somerset Valley YMCA to highlight their afterschool programs at the Hillsborough and Somerville branches and show what can happen after school with a program that teaches the YMCA core values of caring, honesty, respect and responsibility that can so positively impact kids. 
Lights On Afterschool is held each October to shine a spotlight on the need for more afterschool programs. “Afterschool programs play a key role in helping children to be safe, helping working families and inspiring students to learn.” said Youth & Family Director Jim Vaccarella. “For many working families, the right afterschool program is key to a child’s success.”
As the nation’s largest private provider of afterschool programs YMCAs, with the help of partners like the After School Alliance, are actively working to meet the demand of serving more youth in Somerset County and across the nation” said Somerville Youth & Family Director, Dana Scarantino. 
To celebrate Lights On Afterschool at the Hillsborough branch, the afterschool kids had their faces painted with halloween designs. They also crafted a scarecrow from straw, old clothes and burlap. The after school kids in Somerville painted posters with the theme of what I enjoy most about YMCA Afterschool Programs. The posters were then displayed for families and Y members to enjoy.
At the Somerset Valley YMCA, we are committed to providing a quality after school environment for your child. Call the Hillsborough branch (908) 369-0490 or Somerville branch (908) 722-4567 for more information or go to www.ymcasomersetvalley.org. At the Somerset Valley YMCA, we build strong kids, strong families, strong communities.