Riding club to host event in Allentown
The Handicapped High Riders Club at Riding High Farm, Allentown, will host a Family and Friends Day from noon to 4 p.m. June 4, rain or shine. Admission is free.
The event will provide an opportunity for families to learn more about the program, and will offer demonstrations, pony and carriage rides, kite flying, music, games and more. There will also be a chance auction drawing for children and adults at 3 p.m.
HHRC, on Route 526, serves four surrounding counties from its location in Allentown. Details: (609) 259-3884.
Lectures on health to be offered in Millstone
Millstone Township Community Education will sponsor a series of lectures on health-related topics presented by CentraState Health Awareness Center at various locations in the Millstone Township School District.
"Food Choices and Health Risk Reduction" will be held from 7:30-8:30 p.m. May 4. The lecture will address proper food choices that help guard against disease.
"Osteoporosis" will be presented from 1-2 p.m. May 24. The afternoon session will discuss how foods and fiber can promote stronger bones and help prevent injuries.
The events are open to all, and participants may attend one or all sessions; the fee is $12 per session. For more information or to register, call (732) 446-2990.