PRINCETON: Shared bike land markings to be installed next month

By Victoria Hurley-Schubert, Staff Writer
   Sharrows, or shared lane markings, will be installed next month on roadways in the two Princetons.
   The thermoplastic markings will allow cyclists and drivers to safely “share the road” along the area’s streets that are too narrow for separate bike lanes.
   Nassau Street will be marked from Route 206 to Snowden Lane. Markings will also be placed on Wiggins Street and Hamilton Avenue in the borough. In the township the markings will be placed on Harrison Street to Mount Lucas Road.
   Harrison and Witherspoon Street will be marked their entire lengths.
   A maximum of 87 symbols will be installed in the borough; and the State Department of Transportation will install additional 60 on Nassau Street. Approximately 72 will be installed on the township roadways.
   The borough’s share of the installation costs is $14,800. The township is paying the remainder of the $29,920, or $14,400. Each symbol costs about $170. The actual number of symbols that end up being installed will determine final cost.
   Traffic Lines Inc. of Farmingdale will be doing the work for the two municipalities.
   Installation will begin mid-August.