A special meeting of the borough Board of Education will be held Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. in the lobby of Manville High School to discuss the final design of the replacement of the community digital sign in front of the high school.
At the Dec. 13 meeting of the Board of Education, a $63,000 contract for the replacement of the sign was awarded to the Rochelle Contracting Company, Inc.
Getting the new sign was due to the collaborative efforts of the Manville School District, the borough of Manville, and Lou Fisher, chairperson of the Manville Digital Sign Committee, the site says.
The double-sided sign will be able to be seen from North 13th Avenue and Brooks Boulevard. Electricity needs to be extended to the sign, which will be placed between the brick stanchions of the present sign.
The sign committee completed efforts to finance the sign by securing donations, sponsoring a spaghetti dinner, and the individual purchase of personalized bricks to accent the entrance to the high school.