Mayor Karl Feltes, Bordentown Township mayor
   Editor’s Note: Below is the text of Karl Feltes’ address on being sworn in as mayor of Bordentown Township on Saturday.
   Distinguished guests, fellow committee members, family, friends and residents.
   First and foremost I wish to extend my heartfelt thanks to my fellow committee members for bestowing the honor of the appointment as Mayor of Bordentown Township. Rest assured that I will execute the duties and responsibilities of this office with integrity, dignity, and professionalism.
   Although I anticipate a year of numerous challenges; I feel very confident that, we as a committee will be able to work collaboratively in addressing those challenges and finding resolutions to the various issues that we will face. Former Mayor Dauber and Committeewoman DiMattia enter their third year of service on the committee. During the preceding two years they have demonstrated how to think outside the box. Program implementations under their stewardship have enabled the Township to progress despite the worsening economic climate. Actions initiated during the past year will assist in ensuring that the Township is able to provide the goods and services we are accustomed to. New programs and visions will help reduce costs, increase revenues and improve the aesthetic appearance of our town.
   Mr. Dauber, Ms. DiMattia and I welcome two new members to the committee; Mr. Cann who has been active in the Township, serving on numerous boards and committees brings with him institutional knowledge gained during that prior service. Committeewoman Popko, although new to service on the committee has demonstrated that she is a quick study with tremendous enthusiasm and drive.
   Now, it goes without saying that although the Mayor serves in the position as Chief Executive, it is the combined members of this committee that provide the necessary governance to ensure that government functions effectively and efficiently. As a committee, it is our collective goal to serve residents, businesses, visitors and all stakeholders in ensuring that Bordentown Township remains a safe and clean community. We intend to provide the required goods and services that you are accustomed to and provide them in the most efficient, cost effective manner.
   The vision that we collectively possess is a vision of Bordentown Township not as a pass-through when traveling north or south, but as a destination. In the coming months you will see the Township vistas change. Locations that may be described as not so pleasing to look at are being improved. Implementation of the corridor standards along our main thoroughfares of Routes 130 and 206 will improve the visual impact of storefronts.
   Dramatic changes will occur on the northern and southern reaches of the township. To the north is the Team Campus development with the St. Francis Hospital outpatient facility serving as the anchor for the campus. Additional facilities will be added to support and compliment the facility.
   At the southernmost point of route 130, there is an intersection that has taken several lives; it will be improved with the redesign of the intersection at Bradford Point and the development of the only waterfront property in the Township.
   Other Projects started previously will continue. The township is examining modifications and improvements to trash collection. A current review is underway to determine the feasibility of bringing garbage collection in-house and providing for a second trash collection, at least during the summer months. Alternately, reduction to the high cost of collection may be mitigated by utilizing one-arm bandit type trucks that only require one person to operate. Planning for the expansion of the Public Works facility is continuing. The expansion will improve the operational functionality of the department and allow for expansion of services in the area of recycling.
   Negotiations will continue with the surrounding communities, boards and authorities to implement shared services agreements that have the ability to reduce the need for major capital expenditures as we share equipment and services. Instead of replicating a service, we are looking to piggyback with other agencies or have them align with the township to reduce costs.
   Additional redevelopment projects are in various stages of progress. Redevelopment in the area of Nissim Avenue and Route 206, when implemented, will remove the boarded-up former gas station and provide for additional adult housing. Brainstorming will be conducted during 2012 to plan for appropriate utilization of the former Dix Drive-in site off route 206. This area of considerable size has been underutilized for many years.
   In summary, this committee, working in concert with the highly qualified department heads and hard working township employees; who, despite shortfalls in aid, revenues and the impact of ever increasing costs, have worked diligently to maintain our streets, parks, vehicle fleets and facilities.
   I would be remiss if I failed to mention our many volunteers. All township residents owe a debt of gratitude to the various volunteers who serve without compensation. These individuals provide their expertise in shaping the vision of Bordentown Township helping to support the maintenance of facilities and ensuring that our parks, waterways and streets remain litter free.
   I ask all residents of Bordentown Township to find the time in their busy lives to actively participate in the betterment of our community. After all, community is just that, people coming together for the benefit of all.
   How can you participate? Keep abreast of what is happening in the Township. Know what issues this committee is reviewing and what votes are pending. You can even do so from the comfort of your home. Just log onto your computer, access our Website,, and log into the community notice site. Follow the instructions and you will automatically receive copies of committee and board agendas as well as other matters of interest throughout the region. Whenever possible, attend the committee meetings to witness the deliberative process. Feel free to participate in the public portion provided during each meeting to make suggestions or express your satisfaction or dissatisfaction as to the committees work. Our meetings are held the second and fourth Monday of each month with a few exceptions – the next meeting is one of those exceptions, it will be held on Tuesday the 17th.
   Actively participate. There are vacancies on the various boards and committees. These entities meet once a month and serve an important function. Again, if you access the website, there is an application form for you to complete. Indicate on the form where your interests lie. Additionally, if there is a particular project, interest or suggestion you have, include that on the form. Interaction and communication is very important.
   In closing, I thank everyone for attending today and for their interest in good government. I wish each and everyone a healthy, happy, safe and prosperous year.