Hopewell Valley Senior Services is offering the following programs:
The Let’s Chat group with Vivian Greenberg will meet Friday, May 4, from 1 to 2:30 p.m. at the Hopewell Valley Senior Center, 395 Reading St., in Pennington.
Stop by for a discussion. All are welcome. No registration is required.
Refreshments are served.
Generation Connection: Tech Time: To learn how to text, use a new laptop, attach a photo to an email or other technology questions, stop by the Hopewell Branch of the Mercer County Library, 245 Pennington-Titusville Road, Pennington, Tuesday, May 8, from 3 to 4 p.m.
Tech savvy teens will be on hand to answer questions and offer demonstrations.
Other techies are welcome to come by and share their expertise.
This is a program from Generation Connection, a project that promotes connecting people across generations.
Registration is required by May 7.
Senior lunch at Timberlane Middle School: Have a meal at Timberlane Middle School on Wednesday, May 16, from 12:30 to 1:30 p.m.
The school is at 51 South Timberlane Drive in Pennington. This event is sponsored by Brandywine Assisted Living at Pennington and the Hopewell Valley Education Foundation.
Registration is required for lunch by calling the Recreation Department at 737-3753 by May 10.
Farmers Market voucher program: Hopewell Valley seniors may be eligible for free vouchers for use at local farmers markets this summer.
In order to participate in the New Jersey Farmers Market Project, you must be a Mercer County residents, 60 years or older and have an income below $20,147 per year (single) or $24,214 (couple).
To register for any of the above programs, except where indicated, contact Hopewell Valley Senior Services at 609-737-0605, ext. 692, or [email protected].