Stone Bridge Middle School approved for advanced math
By Joanne Degnan, Managing Editor
ALLENTOWN — The Upper Freehold Regional School District has won state approval to offer four new interdistrict school choice programs — three at the high school and one at the middle school — that in 2013-14 can collectively accept up to 78 nonresident students whose tuition will be paid by the state.
”This is huge for us,” Assistant Superintendent Steve Cochrane said last week after the state released its list of 107 districts with approved choice programs.
”These are programs that will be open to all of our students, but the funding that we receive for the nonresident students will allow us to create really wonderful programs for our kids,” Mr. Cochrane said.
The state’s Interdistrict Public School Choice Program allows students to enroll at out-of-district schools offering unique educational programs at no cost to parents. The state pays the tuition, and the student’s home district pays the transportation costs as long as the choice school is within 20 miles. If a choice school is outside that 20-mile radius, transportation is the parent’s responsibility.
Allentown High School already has an award-winning agriculture sciences program that has been offering a limited number of seats to nonresident students under the state’s school choice initiative since 2000.
The state’s announcement last week means Upper Freehold Regional now can offer four additional choice programs: Arts Academy, Tomorrow’s Teachers and Public and International Affairs for students in grades nine to 12 at AHS; and an advanced math and algebra program for grades five to eight at Stone Bridge Middle School.
”These are essentially schools within a school,” Mr. Cochrane said.
Arts Academy
The Arts Academy program will be designed for students with a demonstrated passion, talent and commitment to the arts, including instrumental music, vocal music, theater, dance, visual arts and video production, Mr. Cochrane said.
Establishing the Arts Academy will enable the district to offer additional choirs, more instrumental music opportunities and, for the first time, dance and choreography classes, Mr. Cochrane said. Admission to the Arts Academy for both resident and nonresident students will be based on either a portfolio or audition.
There will be 26 seats available in the Arts Academy to nonresidents in 2013-14, including 20 seats in grade nine and two seats each in grades 10, 11 and 12.
Tomorrow’s Teachers
This is a four-year program for high school students who want to “serve our world as future educators,” Mr. Cochrane said.
Students who qualify for the Tommorrow’s Teachers program will take child development and psychology courses, observe elementary school classrooms, work individually with children and complete a semester-long senior practicum in a K-12 classroom.
Admission requirements are a 3.5 grade point average for the current school year, teacher recommendation, a community member recommendation, community service activities and a letter of interest from the student. There are 16 available seats for nonresidents in 2013-14, including 10 seats in grade nine and two seats each in grades 10, 11 and 12.
School of Public and International Affairs
This four-year high school program will prepare students to become active citizens and effective leaders who “create change in their communities,” Mr. Cochrane said.
The program will combine community service, internships and field experience with classes on public policy, economics, domestic politics and international relations.
Eligible students must have an “A” average in social studies and English courses, a language arts NJASK score in the advanced proficient range, a teacher recommendation and a list of community service interests and activities.
The district will have 16 seats available for nonresidents in 2013-14, including 10 seats in grade nine and two each in grades 10, 11, and 12.
Advanced Math and Algebra
The Advanced Mathematics program at Stone Bridge Middle School is designed for students in grades five through seven who learn math at a faster pace, Mr. Cochrane said.
The grade eight Algebra class is for accelerated math students who typically enroll in honors geometry in grade nine.
The district will evaluate potential applicants in grades five to seven based on their overall math grade from the prior year, end-of-course math assessment, a problem-solving test and their NJASK scores. To select students for the grade eight Algebra program, the district will look at an applicant’s seventh-grade math grade, the grade seven final exam, Iowa Algebra Aptitude Test score and NJASK scores.
The district will accept up to 20 nonresident students (five seats in each grade) for 2013-14 at Stone Bridge Middle School.
Agricultural Sciences
The existing four-year Agricultural Sciences program at AHS offers courses in plant science; animal science; veterinary and equine studies; marine biology; greenhouse, nursery and landscape management; agricultural mechanics; biotechnology; and a co-op agricultural work experience with a professional in the agricultural community.
Participating students also have the opportunity to participate in the nationally recognized AHS chapter of the Future Farmers of America.
Mr. Cochrane said there will be 23 available seats in the program in 2013-14 for nonresidents: 15 in grade nine, four in grade 10 and two each in grades 11 and 12.
How to apply
Parents of resident and nonresident students interested in one of the district’s Interdistrict Public School Choice high school programs should contact the guidance office at 609-259-7292, ext. 1708 or 1709, for additional information.
Parents interested in the Advanced Mathematics and Algebra program at the middle school should call the middle school main office at 609-259-7292, ext. 5800.
Nonresident families are required by law to notify their home districts by Nov. 2 if they intend to apply for admission to a choice school.
Additional information is available on the New Jersey Department of Education’s choice schools website at