PRINCETON: School board rejects Valley Road community center plan

By Philip Sean Curran, Staff Writer
   The Princeton Board of Education on Tuesday rejected a proposal from a group led by former Mayor Richard Woodbridge and others to turn the Valley Road School into a community center.
   The school board cited a litany of reasons for its decision, outlined in a lengthy resolution that board members passed by 9 to 1. Among other things, the Valley Road School-The Adapative Reuse Committee failed to provide “credible, documented assurances that it has or can secure funding adequate for the extremely extensive” building renovations that a consultant for the district says will cost $10.8 million, the resolution says.
   Another issue was that the committee wanted the school board to be responsible for seeking the necessary zoning changes to make the community center happen, according to the district.
   For a full report, see Friday’s issue of The Princeton Packet.