A community effort spearheaded by a borough teenager came to fruition last week with the grand opening of the new stage in Association Park.
By Jennifer Kohlhepp, Managing Editor
HIGHTSTOWN — A community effort spearheaded by a borough teenager came to fruition last week with the grand opening of the new stage in Association Park.
Ryan Lanphear, 18, envisioned and oversaw the development of the stage as his Eagle Scout Service Project, which is a project a Boy Scout undertakes to demonstrate his leadership abilities for the benefit of his community in an effort to earn the Eagle rank. Mr. Lanphear is a member of Boy Scout Troop 59.
Hightstown Mayor Steve Kirson presented Mr. Lanphear with an award for his work during a ceremony at the stage June 20.
”He will be able to come back years after and say this was his project for his hometown,” Mayor Kirson said.
”It really means a lot,” Mr. Lanphear said. “This is the culmination of the community coming together all as one to create something they can enjoy and appreciate for years and years to come.”
Prior to the creation of the new stage at the park on Grant Avenue and Park Way, the borough presented its summer concert series there from the back of a flatbed.
”This is my neighborhood park,” Mr. Lanphear said. “I learned to ride my bike here. It was sad to see the concerts here. They used to bring in a rusty flatbed, and it cost something like $800 to rent.”
The creation of the new stage took two years to complete. Hightstown resident Rick Pratt designed the structure to match the historic homes in the area.
”There are so many people to thank,” Mr. Lanphear’s mother, Jeannine, said. “Scout leaders, Scouts, the town construction official, the mayor — there are just so many people in town that donated money and time — neighbors, members of the First United Methodist Church of Hightstown. It’s just so nice to finally see it here, and it looks great, and he’s happy, and everyone is just enjoying the night.”
Numerous residents attended the Tone Rangers concert, the first concert in the borough’s summer series. Bringing the community out to enjoy the park on a beautiful summer night is exactly what Mr. Lanphear hoped to accomplish with his project.
Pat Duncan, chairman of the borough’s Parks and Recreation Committee, welcomed community members to the concert. He said the land for Association Park was deeded to the borough right after the war in 1919.
”Fast forward a century to 2013, and what we’re celebrating today is what happens when a good idea, good people and good work come together,” Mr. Duncan said.
Mr. Duncan thanked Mr. Lanphear and his father, Todd, as well as the Scouts in Troop 59 for their tireless efforts, working early mornings into the night in hot and cold weather to get the project done. He thanked resident Gary Grubb for providing landscaping, resident Mike Sheehan for the handrails that will provide access to disabled members of the community, Ron Hansen for his help with construction and Ana and Carlos Chavez for the detailed painting of the stage, among others.
He thanked members of the local business community, including Hightstown Electric for wiring the stage for electricity, Trenton Roofing for providing the roof and Scott McConnell, of MPP Engineers, for helping with the structuring.
He also thanked the governing bodies of Hightstown and members of the public who attended Borough Council and Planning Board meetings in support of the project.
”We worked through some tough issues,” Mr. Duncan said, adding no taxpayer money was spent on the project.
”Ryan raised a lot of money and found contributors,” Mr. Duncan said. “A lot of money came from Hightstown Triathalon participation.”
Funds raised through the Hightstown Triathalon also provided the new playground equipment at Association Park, according to Mr. Duncan.
”We’re not only here to celebrate the opening of the new gazebo, there’s also lots of new playground equipment, too,” Mr. Duncan said.
Mr. Duncan credited Beverly Asselstine, a former member of the Park and Recreation Committee, with the vision for the new playground equipment.
Mr. Duncan called the creation of the new stage a “the tremendous construction project” and thanked Mr. Lanphear for finding materials and quality volunteers and for navigating the political process in Hightstown to bring his vision to life.
”He did it all with grace and maturity,” Mr. Duncan said, adding Mr. Lanphear must have had easier options to become an Eagle Scout
”He didn’t take those options to his credit,” Mr. Duncan said.
Mr. Lanphear said his dad was an Eagle Scout.
”He really inspired me with his actions and all the things it took to provide opportunities for me to achieve,” Mr. Lanphear said.
His father said he obviously is very proud of his son.
”This project taught him a lot of good lessons, and that’s important,” he said.
Mr. Lanphear became an Eagle Scout during an Eagle Court of Honor ceremony June 15 at the First United Methodist Church of Hightstown.
He graduated from Hightstown High School June 19 and looks forward to attending Drexel University in Philadelphia where he will study engineering in the fall.
The Hightstown summer concert series continues July 11 at 6:30 p.m. with a performance by Trevor Exeter. Bring a blanket or chairs and a picnic dinner to enjoy while listening to the music.