HAMILTON: County lauds local police

Township officials announced the Mercer County Prosecutor’s Office has praised the Hamilton Township Police Division for its assistance in several investigations.

   HAMILTON — On the heels of a major drug and weapons bust in Trenton May 30, township officials announced the Mercer County Prosecutor’s Office has praised the Hamilton Township Police Division for its assistance in several investigations.
   ”I was recently given a letter from the Mercer County Prosecutors Office concerning the Hamilton Township Police Division’s participation in the Mercer County Special Investigations Unit,” said Mayor Kelly A. Yaede. “Reading the letter filled me with great pride. The Hamilton Township Police Division has once again made Hamilton Township proud for its outstanding work and dedication in keeping the residents of Hamilton Township safe.”
   The letter, addressed to Hamilton Police Chief James Collins, called the division’s participation in the SIU “a complete and absolute success.”
   According to the release, the letter also noted the “stellar results” produced by the partnership, including 91 search or arrest warrants executed, 48 arrests, 11 firearms seized, eight vehicles seized and controlled dangerous substances taken off of Hamilton’s streets.
   Specifically 386 grams of powder cocaine, 26 grams of crack-cocaine, 1,637 decks of heroin, 9 pounds of marijuana, 14 marijuana plants, 2,801 grams of ecstasy, 80 ecstasy pills, 315 oxycodone pills, 133 grams of ketamine, one ounce of PCP and 34 grams of methamphetamine has been seized.
   Additionally, the partnership has produced $135,060 in monetary seizures. Due to Hamilton’s participation in the SIU, the prosecutor’s office will provide 100 percent sharing of any forfeiture proceeds generated by Hamilton officers, according to the release.