Ray Disch, Hopewell Township
To the editor:
First, I would like to congratulate my opponents, John Hart and Todd Brandt, on their win last Tuesday.
We all tried to run a civil and issues-oriented campaign without personal attacks, and we achieved that. We must lead by example.
I also want to thank my campaign manager and treasurer, Chris Fossel and Neil Seas, for all their help. And I owe a special thanks to Committeeman Harvey Lester for teaching me the fine art and need to go door-to-door townshipwide and introduce oneself to the voters.
Both Harvey and Chris Fossel and I spent hours going door to door, and I found the experience very gratifying and a chance to meet many new friends and discuss a host of issues on the minds of the voters.
Finally, I want to thank the many other people who supported my candidacy and voted for me Tuesday. I was disappointed not to win but not discouraged from continuing to actively participate in the Hopewell community. I do plan on running for office again soon.
If I could ask one favor of both Todd and John, it would be to do everything we all can moving forward to get more young people involved in the process. If there is any way I can help with that goal, please let me know.
Ray Disch
Hopewell Township