A local student’s artwork was featured for the first time in the first annual 1st Constitution Bank calendar.
By Amy Batista, Special Writer
JAMESBURG — A local student’s artwork was featured for the first time in the first annual 1st Constitution Bank calendar.
Superintendent Dr. Gail Verona made the announcement at the Jan. 23 Board of Education meeting that the John F. Kennedy Elementary School had eight students featured in the “majority of the calendar.”
”We had at JFK eight student winners in the 1st Constitution Bank calendar contest,” said Dr. Verona. “Each student will receive a $25 gift certificate and a calendar.”
All entries that were chosen for the calendar received a $25 gift card to Toys R US.
Dr. Verona congratulated Principal Al Perno, Selma Churney, and the winning art students.
”Sal Brucato, our board president, brought the contest to our attention,” said Principal Perno on Feb. 6. “Ms. Churney, our art teacher organized the project. Our fourth and fifth grade students completed their projects over the course of several periods.”
Approximately 120 students submitted art for the contest from JFK, he said.
The winners included; fifth grader Kelly Rich who was featured for January, fifth grader Alex Mennella and fourth grader Bella Weeks who were featured for July, fifth grader Jillian Collins who was featured for August, fifth grader Summer Abedrabo who was featured for September, fourth grader Olivia Previlon and fifth grader John Bruno who were featured for December and fourth grader Gillian Webster who was featured for February.
”The calendar is extremely impressive,” Dr. Verona said as she passed a copy around to the board members, giving them a chance to take a look at the artwork.
”We are proud of our students for this accomplishment,” Principal Perno said. “JFK is a diverse school with students that have many unique talents. This contest afforded our artistically inclined students the opportunity to showcase their talents.”
Andrea Pagiazitis, Senior Vice President of Retail Banking at the 1st Constitution Bank, noted it was looking to do “something unique” and “would create community involvement.”
”In the past, we have printed generic calendars that represent various types of interest or cultures,” said Ms. Pagiazitis. “We decided to do something unique and that would create community involvement.” We started a contest within the bank and offered employees an incentive to come up with the best idea for 2013 marketing and advertising, she said.
”The calendar idea was submitted by an employee,” Ms. Pagiazitis. “We then reached out to local schools and asked for their participation.”
Perth Amboy, Hightstown, Monroe, Hamilton, Hopewell, Hillsborough, Ewing, Manville, Jamesburg and Fort Lee were among some of the towns with bank branches that the students who submitted work live in.
”The students submitted their drawings,” Ms. Pagiazitis said. “The Branch Administration selected the drawings that would be included in the final calendar.”
For Ms. Pagiazitis, the highlight was getting the kids in the community involved.