
CRANBURY: Downtown beautification begins

Downtown Cranbury is getting a facelift.

By Nicole M. Wells, Special Writer
CRANBURY — Downtown Cranbury is getting a facelift. As winter retires its snowy mantle, work on the Downtown Beautification Project promises the arrival of a fresh-faced spring. Or, at least, a fresh faced sidewalk.
   According to a notice on the township’s website, work began on the project, which currently affects the sidewalk area from Schoolhouse Lane to north of the Post Office, on March 14.
   ”The sidewalks from the Post Office all the way down to this point here (Schoolhouse Lane) are going to be reconstructed,” Mayor Susan Goetz said at Monday night’s Township Committee meeting. “They’re going to be made with brick and we’re installing lights and trees. It’s all part of this project.”
   During construction, no parking will be allowed on the west side of Main Street near the work zone, the notice read.
   ”I hope people get a chance to take a look at it,” Mayor Goetz said, referring to the work being done. “I think it’s going to be beautiful once it’s done.”
   After finishing the section by Schoolhouse Lane, the contractors will most likely extend the work to Park Place, she said.
   ”We’re already going to be doing similar intersection corrections down at Park Place,” Mayor Goetz said. “All four corners are going to be reconfigured at that point. The crosswalks are going to be made straight instead of at an angle and there are going to be ‘bump-outs’ on all four corners.”
   According to published reports, “bump-outs” are curb extensions that extend sidewalks into their adjacent parking lanes. The extensions make pedestrians more visible to motorists and force vehicles to increase their turning radius. Pedestrians also have more space as they wait to cross the street, with the addition of “bump-outs,” and spend less time crossing because the crosswalk is shorter.
   Committeeman Glenn Johnson said the project is being funded through grant money, at no cost to the township.
   It is scheduled to take 60 days.