Brenda Fallon, President, Board of Trustees, Mary Jacobs Memorial Library Foundation
To the editor:
I would like to publicly recognize an incredible gesture made by Claire Scarpa and the Montgomery Middle School Track and Field Team.
Ms. Scarpa formed a team for the annual Run with Rotary (held on April 27) with the Montgomery Middle School Track and Field Team that she coaches, as well as their families and friends. As they had the largest pre-registered team for the run, they earned the "Recruitment Champs" Award, which came with a $500 prize.
The Mary Jacobs Library tried to earn the "Recruitment Champs" Award for our Foundation — we had the largest library team to date with over 40 participants. But we were beat — the Track and Field Team had over 70 participants! When called on stage to accept their award at the run, they announced that they’ll be donating a portion of their $500 prize to the Mary Jacobs Memorial Library Foundation.
Not only were we thrilled to be the recipient of their generosity, but we were also touched by what that generous gesture represents: a thoughtful, caring, giving, and supportive community. A community we certainly are proud to be a part of.
The Mary Jacobs Memorial Library Foundation would like to thank Ms. Scarpa, the entire Montgomery Middle School Track and Field Team and the Rotary Club of Montgomery/Rocky Hill.
Brenda Fallon
President, Board of Trustees
Mary Jacobs Memorial Library Foundation