Girls who had achieved their Gold, Silver and Bronze Awards during the year, as well as high school seniors who were graduating, were honored June 11 at the annual Court of Awards ceremony of the Girl Scouts Heart of New Jersey Hillsborough Service Unit 72 held at the municipal complex.
The Gold Award, which is the highest level, is earned by girls at the Senior and Ambassador levels (9th through 12th grades). It is an individually earned award and involves creating a project that benefits and gives service to the community.
This year’s Gold Award recipients were Katharine Chen, Nicole Rossi, Nive Chalam, Alison Calamoneri, Kaitlyn Irwin, Megan Schappert, Meghan Bochinski, Annika Lee, Erin Moore, Grace Clevenger, Navneet Plaha, Meghan Brower, Amelia Pinciotti and Megan Prince.
The Silver Award is the highest award that can be earned by a Cadette Scout (6th-8th grades). The projects required for these awards are service oriented, too, and can be done as groups of up to four girls.
This year’s recipients were Melissa Baldi, Megan Moore, LilyTeeple, Olivia Tobia, Michelle Marrone, Emily Conlon, Emily Duque, Melissa Grodski, Kelly McSpiritt, Kelsey Downie, Nicole Wilkowski, Kelly O’Donnell, Alexis Decker, Meghan Crowley, Katie Ciurleo, Patricia Schenfeld, Ashlynn Hawes, Tara Wattal, Sara Tomson, Leena andYasmeen Khashab, Katherine Patton, Shree Raghavan, Smruti Rajpara, Alexis Feder and Marissa Carratini.
The Bronze award is the first award that can be earned by Junior Troops (4th and 5th grades). These projects are typically earned as a troop and are the girls’ first foray into creating and executing a unique service project. This year’s award recipients were troops 60302, 60748, 60821, 60786 and 60802.
In addition, the awards ceremony honored 26 graduating Girl Scouts, as well as 11 leaders who have attained 5, 10 and 15 years of volunteer service within Girl Scouts.
For information about the projects completed by the Girl Scouts, visit
Girl Scouts Heart of New Jersey’s Hillsborough Service Unit 72 is a community of about 90 troops ranging from grades K-12. If interested in becoming a Girl Scout, reach out to [email protected].