Patty Cronheim, Hopewell Township
I am writing as a concerned citizen and on behalf of Hopewell Citizens Against the PennEast Pipeline to request that Hopewell Township, Pennington Borough and Hopewell Borough adopt resolutions strongly opposing the construction and operation of the proposed PennEast Pipeline.
The PennEast Pipeline Company LLC has announced plans to build a 105-mile pipeline to transport natural gas extracted through fracking that would stretch from Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, to Mercer County, and cross under the Delaware River. It would then continue down through New Jersey and into Hopewell Township, through environmentally sensitive protected land.
Pipelines like the one proposed by PennEast carry the risk of catastrophic explosions and leaks; threaten the waterways under which they run, contaminating well water; reduce property values; are vulnerable to corrosion; and need to be maintained in perpetuity.
We appeal to our local governing boards to take action against this destructive proposal. Already, other municipalities "up the pipeline" have adopted resolutions opposing the PennEast proposal. We ask that Hopewell Valley governing bodies unite with other towns and stand up for their citizens by voicing objection to the violent desecration of our preserved open space, waterways, and personal property.
HCAPP is a group of hundreds of local residents whose mission is to continue our community’s commitment to preservation and environmental protection by stopping the PennEast pipeline project; the construction and operation of which would threaten local natural resources, the environment and our safety.
We in Hopewell Valley have worked hard and paid with our taxes for many years to protect the environment we so highly value. It is abhorrent that any company can arrive so suddenly into our area and threaten to wipe away what we have created. We ask for the support of our elected to help preserve our beautiful Hopewell Valley.
For more information and updates and to join us in the fight against the PennEast Pipeline please email: