By Amy Batista, Special Writer
MANSFIELD — Township Engineer Timothy Staszewski says Mansfield still is on schedule for resurfacing White Pine Road.
He made the announcement during the committee meeting Feb. 25.
The scope of the project is to conduct a full-depth roadway reconstruction and widening to 22 feet in order to comply with American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials standards. The widening may require retaining walls and a guide rail. The road also will be striped and signed, as appropriate.
Mayor Robert Higgins questioned when the township would be going out for bids.
Mr. Staszewski speculated it would be the second week in March.
Mayor Higgins also questioned the $400,000 grant from the Department of Transportation that the township received approval for in August.
”We are comfortable that the state is funding this project, right?” Mayor Higgins asked.
Mr. Staszewski said it was his understanding that all 2014 funds are protected.
”That’s my understanding, too,” Mayor Higgins said.
Committeewoman Janice DiGiuseppe also questioned the funding.
”Tim, you said that you made sure that the 2014 grants are all assured by the state,” Committeewoman DiGiuseppe said. “So you feel certain?”
Mr. Staszewski said DOT Commissioner (Jamie) Fox announced 2015 funds were in question, but 2014 funds remain intact.
Chief Financial Officer Joseph Monzo said there is no doubt in his mind that Mansfield Township would receive its $400,000 for White Pine Road.
”I have spoken to several people in the Department of Transportation, and they have said that are funds are secure,” Mayor Higgins said.
Committeeman Arthur Puglia asked when the project would get started.
”When do you think, realistically, we will be starting White Pine Road?” Committeeman Puglia said. “I’m getting a lot of complaints.”
Mr. Staszewski said he anticipates going out to bid in March, receiving bids by the end of the month, awarding a contract in April and starting construction sometime in early May.
”Probably a 45- to 60-day construction period so, hopefully, by the end of June, we would be a hundred percent all (completed),” he said.
Deputy Mayor Sean Gable said that, right now, three tons of blacktop are being put on the road each week.
”It’s that bad,” he said.