By Deb Dawson, Special Writer
SOUTH BRUNSWICK —Two ordinances adopted at Tuesday’s Township Council meeting will provide for very-low, low-, and moderate-income housing for South Brunswick in the future.
One accepts the redevelopment plan for 3614-3668 Route 27, Kendall Park, and the other authorizes a tax abatement and payment in lieu of taxes (PILOT) agreement for the same property.
“I want to thank the board for all the work they’ve done on behalf of affordable housing,” said Mayor Frank Gambatese, referring to members of the South Brunswick Community Development Corporation (SBCDC), many of whom were present in the audience.
Deputy Mayor Chris Killmurray said, “We address it (affordable housing) in a meaningful way in South Brunswick.”
The SBCDC and its partner, the Alpert Group, plan to apply to the state for tax credit funding on July 24. If the application is approved, SCSDS executive director Karen Scalera said construction could begin in March and wrap up one year later.
Plans call for 75 apartments — 74 rentals and one live-in superintendent. Thirty-seven units would rent at about $980; 27 at about $800; five at about $500; and five at about $280.
“This is the first of four buildings,” Ms. Scalera said. “We’ll do this in four phases. All on that site. It’s 17 acres. All affordable housing. I’m very pleased.”
The council also adopted an ordinance allowing it to exceed the cap portion of the municipal budget from 2 percent to 3.5 percent or $39,538,840. This was not a necessity.
Chief Financial Officer Joseph Monzo said an ordinance is only put in place in case exceeding the cap is required later in the year. It has not been needed in the past.
There were no comments at the public hearing for the 2015 municipal budget.
As introduced the budget is $50,393,036. The municipal tax rate will be 82.2 cents per $100 of assessed value, or five cents more than last year when the budget was $50,749,674 and the rate was 77.2 cents per $100 of assessed value.
In 2014 there were revenue sources available that are not available this year to offset the amount that taxpayers have to pay.
The council is set to adopt the budget at its meeting on May 26 at 7:30 p.m. in the Municipal Building, 540 Ridge Road in Monmouth Junction.