HIGHTSTOWN: Fishing opportunity awaits

By Amy Batista, Special Writer
HIGHTSTOWN — Peddie Lake will be stocked with fish by a local fisherman looking to fish in the lake.
The Borough Council authorized a fish-stocking permit for Peddie Lake during its June 1 council meeting.
“A resident came forward six weeks ago and requested to put some largemouth bass (in the lake),” Mayor Larry Quattrone said. “He’s an avid bass fisherman.”
Raymond Podlesny Jr., of East Windsor, requested permission to stock Peddie Lake with 5,000 minnows, 100 largemouth bass, and 400 blue gills, Mayor Quattrone said.
“The Division of Fish and Wildlife okayed this but to be done in the borough of Hightstown it has to be authorized by council,” the mayor said, adding that Division of Fish and Wildlife are pretty strict on what can go into the lake and where the fish come from.
Since there are some things that can ruin the lake, the Division of Fish and Wildlife watch over it pretty closely, he added.
According to the borough’s resolution, the borough finds that the fish proposed in the application to stock Peddie Lake would not interfere with the fish that commonly inhabit Peddie Lake.
The Mayor and Borough Council find that the stocking of Peddie Lake will benefit the residents and sportsmen who fish in Peddie Lake, according to the resolution. 