
LAWRENCE: Grants from Lawrence Township Education Foundation and Bristol-Myers Squibb to aid science programs

LAWRENCE — The Lawrence Township Education Foundation (LTEF) has awarded $120,000 to Lawrence Township Public Schools to fund major renovations and upgrades of two Lawrence High School (LHS) science labs.
These renovations will create a highly efficient and productive workspace for students and staff, providing greater support to STEM programs at LHS. It will allow instructors to mirror college and real world lab settings as well as adapt to the demanding needs and changing equipment in the lab of today and tomorrow.
The current facilities were built in 1967 and at the time were state of the art. Close to 7,000 students have worked in the labs, thus leaving them skeletons of their once functional selves. With the renovation, the classrooms will receive updated cabinetry, receptacles, sinks, countertops, and furniture. Plumbing, electrical, and ventilation repairs will also occur.
In addition to the structural updates, a grant was awarded by Bristol-Myers Squibb in support of LHS science programs that will further enhance the curriculum by providing funds for hands-on learning tools. These include microscopes, stereo scopes, EKG sensors, anatomy models, digital balances and more. They will help to further all science curriculums including biology, chemistry, physics, anatomy, physiology, and environmental science.
Science is at the heart of the United States’ ability to continue to innovate, lead, and create jobs of the future and the LTEF is proud to support this project. This grant, as well as all other grants awarded to the public schools, are made possible by the generosity of the donors who contribute to the foundation.
The Lawrence Township Education Foundation is a nonprofit organization that fosters educational excellence, creativity and achievement in the Lawrence Township Public Schools. Since 1992, it has funded over 600 programs in the Lawrence schools with grants in excess of $2.99 million. For more information about LTEF and ways to support the foundation, visit www.ltefnj.org or email. 