
MONTGOMERY TOWNSHIP: Dale Huff chosen to fill vacant seat on school board

By Lea Kahn, Staff Writer
Dale Huff, who has lived in Montgomery Township for four years, was chosen to fill a vacant seat on the Montgomery Township Board of Education at a special school board meeting Tuesday night.
Mr. Huff was sworn into office immediately by Business Administrator Thomas Venanzi, and took his seat at the table with the rest of the school board. His term will end in December.
Mr. Huff was one of eight township residents who had applied to fill the vacancy, which was the result of the resignation of former school board member Annie Michaelson.
The school board members interviewed the candidates in public, and then went into closed session to deliberate. The board came out of its closed meeting, and cast their votes for a replacement for Ms. Michaelson.
After the votes were cast, school board president Adelle Kirk-Csontos praised the eight residents for showing an interest in serving on the Montgomery Township Board of Education.
“What an impressive slate of candidates. There is so much that each of you could add to the school board,” Ms. Kirk-Csontos said. She reminded them that there is a school board election in November, and encouraged them to file to run for office.
Mr. Huff, who has two children enrolled at Montgomery High School, is an engineer with the pharmaceutical company of Merck & Co. He said he became interested in applying for the opening after he saw a notice about the vacant seat.
“It’s a great opportunity to give back to the community and help out with the school board and the district. I live in a community with excellent schools,” he said. He added that he was surprised to have been chosen, because all of the candidates were extremely qualified.
Mr. Huff acknowledged that he is not an educator, but an engineer. He is a problem-solver, and it is that skill which he plans to bring to the school board.
“I want to help the school board and the administration to help the children. I have a lot to learn (about being a school board member),” Mr. Huff said.