HILLSBOROUGH: Science teacher learns about ocean dynamics

Kate Russo, a 7th-grade science teacher at Hillsborough Middle School, was one of 20 New Jersey educators selected to participate in a week-long science program held July 27-31 in Tuckerton.
The professional development institute at the Jacques Cousteau National Estuarine Research Reserve Education Center explored the ocean, marine organisms in New Jersey and the impacts of climate change.
Teachers participated in field experiences and demonstrations with research scientists who shared their expertise of the living and non-living aspects of local marine environs.
Educators learned about the impacts of climate change on the ocean, starting with the physical dynamics of the ocean and continuing up through trophic levels. The teachers plan to incorporate what they learned into the school programs.
Ms. Russo was invited to attend a follow-up session at the N.J. Science Convention in October, where she will be recognized as a N.J. Science Teachers Association Simmons Scholar. The science teachers’ group and the Maitland P. Simmons Memorial Award made the experience possible.