By Gene Robbins, Managing Editor
As might be expected during the summer, many changes to the work force were approved by the Board of Education on July 27.
Michael Picciottoli, a 12-month vice principal at Auten Road Intermediate School, resigned effective Sept. 21, or sooner if a replacement is found. He had been employed in the district since September 2012. He has been hired as data analyst/supervisor of student services in Denville.
The board accepted the resignations of:
— Megan Haber, teacher of music at Woods Road School, effective Sept. 30. She started in Hillsborough in September 2013.
— Olivia Monillas, teacher of French at the middle school, effective June 30. She was employed since September 2006.
— Danielle Orlando, teacher of special education at Triangle School, effective Sept. 1. She was an emplyee since September 2012.
— Linda Padula, transportation aide, effective June 30, after having been employed here since September 2011.
— Gabrielle Pfitzner, teacher of special education resource at the middle school, effective Sept. 1. She was employed here since September 2014.
— John Schendel, teacher of health and physical education at Hillsborough Elementary School, effective Sept. 1 after having worked here since February 2014.
The board terminated the employment contract of Drew Gannon, custodian at Hillsborough Elementary School, effective July 7 due to reduction in force. In the budget process, the board said it would be realigning its custodian and maintenance work force.
The board approved a resolution to create one-third of a fulltime position for a teacher of Chinese.
The board approved the retirement of Denise Mehring, executive secretary to the assistant superintendent for curriculum, effective Jan. 1, 2016. She has been employed in the district since October 1990.
The retirements of three teachers were accepted. They are:
— Elizabeth Postiglione, teacher of special education at the high school, effective Nov. 1. She has been in the district since January 2010.
— Linda Rose, teacher of grade 5 at Auten Road Intermediate School, effective July 1, 2015. She had worked in the district September 1978.
— Diane Thomas, computer support teacher at Triangle School, effective Nov. 1, after having worked in Hillsborough since September 2004.
Ernest Bernhard was shifted from teacher of special education autism to teacher of special education resource, both at the middle school, replacing Gabrielle Pfitzner, who had resigned.
David Dragani was moved as a teacher of autism from the Auten Road Intermediate School to the middle school, replacing Mr. Bernhard.
Nicole Brameyer was shifted from teacher of special education to grade 5 at Auten Road Intermediate School, replacing Wendy Novice (retired).
Melanie Cruz was moved from teacher of grade 3 at Woods Road School to teacher of mathematics at the middle school, replacing Debra Porowski.
Alyssa Green, from teacher of grade 4 to teacher of REACH, both at Woods Road School, replacing Karen Lieberman (retired).
Larissa Kelsey was shifted from one-year district teacher tech coach job to teacher of science at the middle school. She is returning to a teaching position. Ralph Losanno will shift from a teacher of grade 4 at Woodfern School to the one-year district teacher tech coach, replacing Ms. Kelsey.
Christine Mandraccia, a teacher of grade 1, will become teacher of REACH, both at Amsterdam School. She replaces Jill Leonard, who had retired.
Kelly Owens was shifted from teacher of grade 5 to academic support instructor, both at Auten Road Intermediate School, replacing Laureen Westover (retired).
Joanna Robison changed teaching jobs from 4th-grade to math, both at Hillsborough Elementary School, replacing the retired Mary Witte.
Eric Rosenthal will replace the retired Anthony Cordasco as teacher of applied technology at the high school. Mr. Rosenthal had been a teacher of health and physical education at the high school.
Jamie Cameron was moved from teacher of grade 6 literacy to a 5th grade teacher, both at Auten Road Intermediate School, replacing Linda Rose (retired).
Ashlea Skiles, from teacher of grade 5 special education resource, Auten Road Intermediate School to teacher of grade 6 literacy, replacing Jamie Cameron, who transferred elsewhere.
The board affirmed the reappointment of Elizabeth Shapiro as a third grade teacher at Amsterdam School, due to increase in section.
Pamela Misztal was hired as school psychologist at the middle school, replacing Christian Alfaro (resigned).
The board hired these teachers:
— Lauren Czapla, teacher of grade 5, Auten Road Intermediate School, replacing Nicole Brameyer (transfer reorganization within building).
— Samantha Finnegan, teacher of grade 3 at Woods Road School, replacing Melanie Cruz.
— Sherrie Hoppe, teacher of mathematics at the high school, replacing Francis Olkowski (retired).
— Kathryn Kiel, teacher of special education, grade 7 literacy, Hillsborough Middle School, replacing Lauren Cohen (resigned).
— Robert Kumbatovic, teacher of health and physical education at the high school, replacing Eric Rosenthal.
— Brienna Morgan, teacher of grade 5 at Auten Road Intermediate School, replacing Kelly Owens.
— Renee Muia, teacher of kindergarten for 3 hours 50 minutes per day at Woods Road School, in a new Children at Play position.
— Kate Russo, teacher of grade 7 science at the middle school, replacing Jacqueline Hong (resigned).
— Kimberly Shelus, teacher of health and physical education at the high school, replacing Lyndsay Boettke (resigned).
— Ian Steege, teacher of music at Woods Road School, replacing Megan Haber (resigned).
— Sarah Young, teacher of grade 5 special education resource at Auten Road Intermediate School, replacing Ashlea Skiles.