Bing Bai, West Windsor
If you have met Jordon DeGroote, you surely will know he is really determined to help improve our schools. He knows from his first-hand experiences the many issues that our schools are facing. He knows what are working in our schools and what are not.
He is really agonized over the fact that with so much money spent on the schools year over year, the district just keeps creating more controversies than services, more discontent than applause — the inability of our district to improve the quality of education within a controlled budget.
Jordon DeGroote, “Mr. Fix It“ as many may call him, won’t be doing nothing while occupying a BOE seat. He is an energetic problem solver. He is a great leader and relentless fighter. He is also an excellent communicator. He will help to unite our district and solve the problems.
I give my full support for Jordon DeGroote running for WW-P Board of Education, and encourage everyone to do so.
Bing Bai
West Windsor