To the editor:
We want to thank everyone who came out to dance to the music of The Dadz at the “Lucky to Live in Pennington” dance on Friday the 13th! A good time was had by all, thanks to the generosity of our friends and neighbors in the community.
Special thanks go to St. James Church, and particularly Deacon Moore Hank, for the use of the Family Center for the dance. We are grateful to Kim Waters of Zoe Graphics for the design and printing of the dance posters and tickets. Thanks to our friends at Cugino’s Italian Specialties and Emily’s Cafe for snack trays, and the Pennington Quality Market for snack trays and balloons.
We appreciate the willingness of Gloria Nilson & Co. Real Estate, Flutter Boutique, The Front Porch, Orion Jewelry Studio and Viva Gelato to help with ticket sales prior to the dance.
Finally, we would like to thank the Hopewell Valley Historical Society and all of the members of the Pennington 125 Committee for their support, encouragement, and assistance. We are, for sure, lucky to live in Pennington among such supportive businesses and fun people!
Mary Baum
Ellie Driscoll