To the editor:
I recently had the pleasure of meeting with several members of our high school’s Prevent Childhood Obesity Club, as they presented a generous donation that will help our local YMCA launch a new recreational sport here in Hopewell Valley.
Started by CHS Senior Kiersten Kollevoll, the club has been working to provide support for students and children struggling with obesity. Perhaps you’ve seen them volunteering at their booth at Pennington Day or other community events, as they raise both awareness and funds for their mission.
Their idea was to get kids off the couch and into a healthier lifestyle through volleyball. Thanks to the club’s donation, Hopewell Valley will soon see recreational and competitive volleyball programs. Even more exciting, their donation and the support from other groups in the community, like the Recreation Foundation of Hopewell Valley, will also provide equipment for the school district to expand their sports offerings with a team for Timberlane and a YMCA-sponsored Special Olympics development team.
I hope you’ll join me in thanking Kiersten, the dedicated HVCHS students who volunteer their time for the Prevent Childhood Obesity Club, and everyone who continues to support their mission.
Their hard work and generous contribution will be making a difference in Hopewell Valley for years to come.
Ryan Kennedy
Hopewell Borough
Board of Directors
Hopewell Valley YMCA