Ask questions to learn about school board candidate

I am a candidate for the Hillsborough Board of Education (BOE) in the Nov. 8 general election.

I recently attended a school board candidate briefing to learn more about my future responsibilities should I be elected. The speaker talked about the school board as the community’s representative and its responsibility to reach out to the public. This resonates with me and is part of the reason I am running for school board. I want to improve communication, have more transparency in decision-making and engage the public in the conversation of what’s important to our community.

As a 14-year Hillsborough resident, I am connected with day-to-day school activities through my children. I’ve volunteered in the classroom and chaired fundraising committees. I have seen first-hand teachers’ dedication to their students and their excitement for the school year.

I am an engineer by training and my greatest strength is I ask questions. I am fiscally prudent by which I mean I am against wastefulness but I am for investing in the community’s priorities. One of the things I decided against for now is putting up lawn signs to advertise my candidacy. They cost $418 for 100 signs. It’s not clear to me the community will learn anything about me from those signs except my name.

Therefore, I’m asking for your help — please share my candidacy with your friends and neighbors and learn more about me by asking questions. I am at, visit my blog at and email me at [email protected].

I ask for your vote this Nov. 8 — the school board is at the bottom of the ballot. Thank you for your support. 