Birders can contribute to backyard count on Feb. 13

The Rutgers Master Gardeners of Middlesex County will hold their annual “Great Backyard Bird Count” from noon to 2:30 p.m. on Feb. 13 at Davidson’s Mill Pond Park, located at 42 Riva Ave., South Brunswick. The rain date is Feb. 14.

Master Gardeners will offer free, guided tours led by advanced birders with “count sheets.” These sheets will be filled in during the tour, and then collected and entered into the Cornell University database. The event will be held simultaneously with the Audubon Society and Cornell University Lab’s “Great Backyard Bird Count.”

Beginning birders and experts are encouraged to attend. Bring your own binoculars and field guides and dress appropriately for outdoor hiking.

Tour guides will be available to assist your party, or you can explore the park on your own.

RSVP to [email protected].

For more information, call 732-398-5260.