Sean Brady - Photographer

Millstone officials authorize community center upgrades

By Matthew Sockol

MILLSTONE — Renovations and improvements for the Millstone Township Community Center, 365 Stagecoach Road, in the Clarksburg section of the municipality, have been approved by the Township Committee.

During a recent meeting, the committee voted 3-0 to award a contract for portions of the project to Precise Construction Inc. in the amount of $46,125, according to the resolution approved by the governing body.

Committee members Nancy Grbelja, Gary Dorfman and Bob Kinsey voted yes on the resolution.

Committee members Michael Kuczinski and Fiore Masci were absent from the meeting.

Bids for the project were received from Meco Inc., which bid $110,075; Fernandes Construction Inc., which bid $67,550; Mixalia Enterprises Inc., which bid $64,000; The Construction Group LLC, which bid $63,835; and Precise Construction Inc., which bid $46,125.

Township Engineer Matt Shafai recommended that the committee members award the contract to Precise Construction.

According to municipal officials, work at the community center will consist of the installation of a new chair lift, new signs, fully automated main entrance doors, a ramp that will make the community center more accessible and new carpeting in the building’s foyer.

The building will be painted, the façade will be repaired and restroom improvements will be made. To improve the water flow away from the building and to address visibility and security concerns, grading and new plantings are being addressed in the renovations. If necessary, the kitchen and meeting room areas will be painted and updated.

The cost of the project is estimated to be $180,000. The committee secured a Monmouth County Community Development Block Grant in the amount of $63,143 and passed a bond ordinance in 2014 that provided an appropriation of $150,000 for site improvements as part of municipal projects, including the community center renovations.

Work at the community center has begun and is expected to be completed by the end of the summer, according to municipal officials.

The building that houses the community center was constructed in 1938 as a firehouse for the Millstone Township Volunteer Fire Company. The building became a community center after it was purchased by the township in 1977. The current Millstone Township firehouse is next door to the community center.

Groups that use the community center include senior citizens, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, the Veterans Memorial Council, the Office of Emergency Management, the Horsemen’s Association of Millstone Township, Little League and Recreation Commission programs.