Reproductive justice and Roe v. Wade

On Jan. 22, 1973, the landmark constitutional ruling Roe v. Wade guaranteed a woman’s right to privacy regarding her body and significantly improved women’s access to health care. It has been 43 years since women were ensured the right to abortion under the due-process clause of the 14th Amendment to the Constitution, but today that right, and access to other women’s-health services, is threatened.

The League of Women Voters continues to fight to protect a woman’s right to choose, as others across the country lobby to turn back the clock and deprive women of this right for which so many fought. In some states, politicians are enacting laws that ban most abortions, and in others, efforts are underway to shut down health centers that women rely on for basic reproductive-health services including contraception and testing and treatment for sexually transmitted infections, thereby inhibiting access to the full range of care, including safe and legal abortion.

In a pluralistic society, the government, while it has certain recognized interests in regulating abortion procedures, should not be involved in this very personal choice. The League of Women Voters of Monroe Township believes this decision must be protected by a woman’s right to privacy. Public policy should treat abortion as a medical procedure to be decided upon by a woman and her physician or other appropriate licensed health-care provider. We are proud of our long history fighting for reproductive justice and look forward to a day where safe reproductive health care is accessible for all.


Ruth Banks


League of Women Voters of Monroe Township