Monroe arts group offers Oct. 17-21 trip to St. Louis, Branson

Patrons of the Arts of Monroe Township will sponsor an Oct. 17-21 trip to St. Louis and Branson, Mo.

The itinerary will feature one night in St. Louis, three nights at the Chateau on the Lake, a tour of St. Louis, a welcome dinner in St. Louis and a city tour of Branson. While in Branson, participants will tour the Titanic Museum, see Dogwood Canyon National Park, take a tram tour to visit the College of the Ozarks and see five shows.

Trip cost is $1,179 per person (single supplement is $350), not including airfare. Price includes all tickets and entrance fees, round-trip motor-coach transportation, accommodations, tour guides, tour escort, breakfast and dinner daily and round-trip airport transfers from Monroe. Insurance is an additional $93; single supplement is $115. A deposit of $200 is required.

To reserve, call 732-605-0262.