Police attempt to identify suspicious male talking to teens

EAST BRUNSWICK — A suspicious looking white male was observed near a high school bus stop in the area of Old Bridge Turnpike and Windsor Drive in East Brunswick around 6:37 a.m. Feb. 8.

Three juveniles, ages 16-17, were waiting for the bus when the unknown individual allegedly attempted to have a conversation with them, according to a statement prepared by the East Brunswick Police Department. The juveniles boarded the bus without any incident but felt uncomfortable with the individual’s presence, officials said.

Another 16-year-old from the area was late getting to the bus, and the same individual allegedly attempted to have a conversation with him as well, police said. The 16-year-old missed the bus but returned home and told his mother, who contacted police.

The individual appeared to have walked into the area and was not observed with any vehicle, police said. Patrol officers and detectives saturated the area for the suspect but had negative results. Police maintained a presence in the area for the later buses and for the afternoon dismissal but did not see the individual, according to the report.

The suspect is described to be in his late 30s with a beard and wearing a black skull cap and a dark jacket.

Anyone with information should contact Detective Kim DiParisi of the East Brunswick Police Department’s Investigative Bureau at 732-390-6990.