County’s new law enforcement tool: Mobile Command Center

 Middlesex County Acting Prosecutor Andrew C. Carey (c) shows Freeholder H. James Polos (l), chair of the County Public Safety and Health Committee, and Freeholder Director Ronald G. Rios the components of the county prosecutor’s new Mobile Command Center. Middlesex County Acting Prosecutor Andrew C. Carey (c) shows Freeholder H. James Polos (l), chair of the County Public Safety and Health Committee, and Freeholder Director Ronald G. Rios the components of the county prosecutor’s new Mobile Command Center. Middlesex County has unveiled the newest addition to its emergency response fleet — the county prosecutor’s Mobile Command Center.

Purchased with $180,768 in funds from the New Jersey Office of Homeland Security and Preparedness, the vehicle is able to be deployed anywhere in the county when needed and is equipped with a roof-mounted satellite dish; two telescoping 500-watt floodlights; a 7,000-kilowatt generator; two dispatch radio command areas; communication ports for landlines, network wiring and CATV; interior and exterior jacks; a rear conference area with bench seating; interior and exterior electrical outlets; and interior and exterior LED lighting.

The purchase also included training on the use of the vehicle.

Middlesex County Acting Prosecutor Andrew C. Carey thanked the Board of Chosen Freeholders for helping to secure the grant, and said the Mobile Command Center will be an asset to law enforcement.

“In addition to the great advantages the new Mobile Command Center will offer in assisting the public during emergencies, it also will be a valuable tool in the investigation of crimes,” Carey said. “An on-the-scene unit, where law enforcement can deploy and debrief officers while maintaining public safety, will serve the residents of Middlesex County well when unfortunate events occur.”