Middlesex County hosted a meeting earlier this month with South Korean and New Jersey state officials, focusing on the economy.
“On behalf of the Middlesex County Board of Chosen Freeholders, I am honored that you have chosen Middlesex County, New Jersey, to learn about American policies and procedures regarding economic development,” said Freeholder Director Ronald G. Rios, addressing the group. “We understand that to keep our competitive edge, county government needs to partner with our local municipalities and the business community to build a business-development strategy.”
The Korean officials were delegates visiting the United States to get an understanding of government policies and practices regarding the promotion and support of jobs and the economy.
As part of the presentation, held in the county administration building in New Brunswick on July 8, Middlesex County Administrator John A. Pulomena described the county government’s operational structure as the “engine” for driving development in the area.
“Our organizational structure promotes an efficient, collaborative and focused approach to driving initiatives to make Middlesex County a great place to live, work and operate a business,” Pulomena said. “It was an honor to meet our Korean counterparts as we all look toward further economic development.”
Kathaleen R. Shaw, business development and education department head, discussed the types of government programs, resources and incentives available for doing business in New Jersey. She outlined future developments in the international trade industry, such as the Panama Canal expansion, and the county’s ability to take advantage of these changes.
“Middlesex County is in a unique position to drive economic growth in the entire region,” Shaw said. “Working with our mu- nicipal, state and federal partners, the incentives and location available in our county really makes us the best place to do business.”
William E. Spear, international business advocate from the state Office of International Business Development and Protocol, also provided insight into state and federal incentives for job creation and retention as a benefit to drawing new business and growing existing business within the state.
Shaw and Spear both confirmed that the common thread in practically all incentives was the creation of jobs.
Led by Yoon InSik, Korean central government official from the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, the delegates represented several Korean metropolitan cities, provinces and the Korea Industrial Complex Corporation. Rios invited questions after the presentation to discuss the practical issues of policies, programs and procedures in handling economic and business matters.
Job creation also is an important factor in Korea’s economic strategy, InSik said. He also said he hoped that the morning’s discussion would lead to continued dialogue between South Korea and Middlesex County in the future.