Marlboro community garden to debut in April

By Peter Elacqua
Staff Writer

MARLBORO – After several years of planting seeds for a new program in town, the Shade Tree Committee will open the Marlboro Community Garden this spring at 82 Tennent Road, next to the Morganville Volunteer Fire Company.

On April 30, in conjunction with Marlboro’s Arbor Day celebration, the Shade Tree Committee will open the garden to residents who have paid to cultivate a 40-square-foot plot, according to committee Chairman Jeff Weiss, who said the plots were snapped up quickly by residents who want to raise their own produce.

“It is nice to finally see this plan come to fruition and to see an overwhelming response from residents,” Weiss said.

The annual fee to rent a plot in the garden is $40. Residents age 65 and over will pay $30.

Individuals who have secured a plot must attend one of two meetings that will be held to review the garden’s regulations. The meetings are scheduled for 10 a.m. March 13 and 7:30 p.m. March 21 in meeting room 1 at the Marlboro administration building. Individuals on the waiting list are encouraged to attend a meeting in case a plot becomes available.

“I am very excited about the community garden’s impending opening,” Township Councilwoman Randi Marder said. “It has been rewarding to see my idea turned into reality. I appreciate the efforts of the Shade Tree Committee, the administration, the Department of Public Works and all involved for bringing this community garden to life. We cannot wait to start gardening.”

Weiss said the Shade Tree Committee was the recipient of a gift from Whole Foods, Marlboro, which donated 5 percent of its opening day sales to community causes. Weiss applied in the name of the the committee, which used the money it received to build an 8-foot-tall fence around the garden so deer cannot enter the space.

All plots in the garden must be planted by July 1. Each gardener must maintain his or her space. Each garden must be cleaned out by Nov. 1, with the exception of cool season crops. Mulch and compost will be provided free by the DPW for use in the community garden only.