Cornerstone Music Studios, Millstone

Cornerstone Music Studios is passionate about music and arts education. All faculty on staff have vast educational qualifications and professional experiences that benefit how their students develop a range of skills as their talent unfolds: technique, interpretive independence, sight-reading, aural and acting skills, theory and performance etiquette. The sharpening of these skills fosters discipline, perseverance, intellectual, creative and character development. “Good musical timing is strongly correlated with reading skills and general mental acuity,” explains Dr. Nina Kraus, director of Northwestern’s Auditory Neuroscience Laboratory. “According to co-author of the study, James Hudziak, professor of psychiatry at the University of Vermont, early musical training was shown to have “accelerated cortical organization in attention skill, anxiety management and emotional control.” These brain changes can accompany us well into old age. A community-oriented studio promoting the positive values of music, the two-building, eight-room professional teaching studio is located in the heart of Millstone Township and boasts a large performance space for recitals, master classes, workshops and youth group programs. Whether you’re seeking private lessons, group classes or summer camp programs, music and arts education at Cornerstone Music Studios are all worthy of applause and standing ovations! Visit or call 732-446-1919.