Death of State Trooper reminds motorists to be more aware

Flashing lights mean slow down, move over, be alert.

The recent tragic death of New Jersey State Police Trooper, Sean Cullen, is a glaring reminder of the dangers posed to troopers and all law enforcement on New Jersey’s roadways.

Many in law enforcement have been killed by being struck outside, and even seated within, the supposed safety of their cruisers while performing roadside duties.

Recorded some time ago from a trooper’s in-car recorder, a video shows an individual coming upon an accident scene who was driving too fast for conditions, lose control, skid off the roadway into the median and strike the on scene trooper. Amazingly, he gets back up, calmly calls in the event and suffers non-life threatening injuries.

Please, for the safety of those who already take great risk to “Protect & Serve,” use every caution possible when approaching the flashing lights of police, fire, EMS and all on scene emergency service personnel.

Al Della Fave
Office of the Ocean County Prosecutor